The frustrations (and blessings) of ministry
I'm a full time employee of The Salvation Army, most weeks working in excess of 50 hours plus 1.5 hours commuting each way.
I have a young family (2 kids aged 10 and 8).
I also have a life - I have friends I like to meet, a football team I am passionate about (attending all home games as a season ticket holder), a house group I participate in and I also like to watch a bit of telly!
My ministry at Mashbury is also important to me, but it takes place in the context of the rest of my life. Meeting preparation is time-consuming, but also rewarding and last Sunday was no exception to normal. I did my research on Palm Sunday over a couple of evenings and on the train to and from work and wrote up my sermon on Saturday morning and evening as well as planned out the service.
My research taught me what a hugely significant day Palm Sunday is, with its links back to old testament prophecies by Daniel, Zephaniah and Nehimiah.
So important and significant is it that eleven people showed up for my meeting on Sunday.
We're not a big corps, but eleven is about 30% down on normal attendance.
Perhaps it's me, perhaps they don't like my preaching or leadership style? Perhaps they just can't be bothered!
When only 11 people show up, I reflect on the preparation, on the hours that could have been spent with my children, my wife, my friends or just chilling out.
I wonder if it is all worthwhile. Whether The Salvation Army would be better off just shutting the Corps and bussing people to Chelmsford.
I hope the eleven got something out of the meeting. I'm glad I got something out of the preparation, otherwise I would have been really naffed off!
Hi Garry
You said over on Gordon's blog that we need to talk, so I'm all ears!
Best idea is that you drop me an e-mail at my Lotus Notes address. If you put in Graeme Smith I should appear if not then try:
Graeme Smith/SWE/SArmy
Look forward to hearing from you!
Regarding your actual post, I can understand the frustrations that you are feeling, so our prayers are with you!
Small is beautiful. I've just been reading 'Where 20 or 30 are gathered, leading worship in a small church' by Peter Bush and Christine O'Reilly, It's available on the Alban Institute site. It was quite a good read and encouraging, at least it got me through a similar experience last week in a positive frame of mind!
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